Last Update: 2023-11-16


form_detail.php Landingpage

Landingpage Tags

<!--FEEDBACK//--> Will be replaced with success and error messages, when applicable.
<!--FORM_TITLE//--> Will be replaced with the title of the landingpage.
<!--FORM_OPENER//--> Will be replaces with the teaser text of the landingpage.
<!--FORM_PICTURE//--> Will be replaced with the URL for the landingpage image.
<!--FORM_FORM_BEGIN//--> Defines begin and end of the HTML-Code for the landingpage form. Everything between these tags will not be shown, after successful registration.
<!--FORM_FORM//--> Will be replaced with the landingpage form.
<!--FORM_BUTTON_NEXT//--> Will be replaced with the submit button.
<!--CUSTOM:num//--> Up to 10 custom fields can be defined (landingpage custom fields are setup in form_config.xml).

Example form_detail.php

<div class="container">

  <img src="<!--FORM_PICTURE//-->" width="100%" border="0">

    <h1 class="title ep-form-title"><!--FORM_TITLE//--></h1>

    <p class="text ep-form-opener"><!--FORM_OPENER//--></p>

  <!--IF:FEEDBACK//--><div class="feedback"><!--FEEDBACK//--></div><!--ENDIF:FEEDBACK//-->

  <div class="ep-form">

  <div class="mod_form_buttons">


Landingpage Config XML

Landingpage custom fields and snipplets are defined in form_config.xml.

Info: You can use customfield and snipplet options from config XML

Landingpage CSS Classes

The following classes can be used to style generated form elements in landingpage form.

CSS Class used for
.form_item_template_1 wrapper table of a vertical element
.form_item_template_3 wrapper table of a horizontal element
.title container of headline and title of fields
.text container of text and fields
.col column of table
Form elements:
.feld form all input fields
.mod_formitem_field single line text input (not address data field)
.mod_formitem_textarea multi line text input
.mod_formitem_select dropdown input
.mod_formitem_textarea multi line text input
.mod_formitem_option container of radio/checkbox
.ep-radio-container container of radio input
.ep-checkbox-container container of checkbox input
.ep-checkbox-single container of single checkbox input
.mod_form_button form button
.mod_formitem_title title of input fields
.mod_formitem_description desctiption text for fields
.mod_formitem_text text elements
.ep-file-upload file input field
.ep-label label of radio/checkbox
.ep-conditions container of conditions checkbox
.survey_img image element
.gallery container of gallery
.readonly disabled input
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