Last Update: 2024-03-21

Get Sweepstake

Currenty not yet public available!


<getsweepstake id="" externalid="" />
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Mandatory Default Description
getsweepstake["id"] int yes* Internal id of sweepstake
getsweepstake["externalid"] varchar yes* External id of sweepstake

* Either "id" or "externalid" must be given. If both are specified, the externalid will be ignored


    <startdatetime>YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss</startdatetime>
    <enddatetime>YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss</enddatetime>
        <price id="">
            <media id=""></media>
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
data->externalid varchar(255) external ID
data->type drafts|running|finished|archived Type of sweepstake
data->language de|en|..
data->title varchar(255)
data->titleinternal varchar(255)
data->opener varchar(255)
data->startdatetime YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss
data->enddatetime YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss
data->custom1..10 text Custom field (defined within template)
data->prices List of prices
data->prices->price["id"] int ID of price
data->prices->price->amount int Number of prices
data->prices->price->title varchar(255) Title of price
data->prices->price->description text Description of price
data->prices->price->value varchar(255) Value of price in Euro
data->prices->price->media varchar(255) URL of price picture
data->prices->price->media["id"] varchar(255) ID of price picture
data->prices->price->winners int Number of winners of this price
Possible Response-Codes
Code Description
2000 OK

Get Sweepstake list

Currenty not yet public available!


Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Mandatory Default Description
sweepstake->search varchar no
sweepstake->type drafts|running|finished|archived no Type of sweepstake
sweepstake->page int no 1
sweepstake->pagesize int no 100


  <sweepstake id="">
      <startdatetime>YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss</startdatetime>
      <enddatetime>YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss</enddatetime>
          <price id="">
              <media id=""></media>
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
sweepstake["id"] int ID
sweepstake->externalid varchar(255) external ID
sweepstake->type drafts|running|finished|archived Type of sweepstake
sweepstake->language de|en|..
sweepstake->title varchar(255)
sweepstake->titleinternal varchar(255)
sweepstake->opener varchar(255)
sweepstake->startdatetime YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss
sweepstake->enddatetime YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss
sweepstake->custom1..10 text Custom field (defined within template)
sweepstake->prices List of prices
sweepstake->prices->price["id"] int ID of price
sweepstake->prices->price->amount int Number of prices
sweepstake->prices->price->title varchar(255) Title of price
sweepstake->prices->price->description text Description of price
sweepstake->prices->price->value varchar(255) Value of price in Euro
sweepstake->prices->price->media varchar(255) URL of price picture
sweepstake->prices->price->media["id"] varchar(255) ID of price picture
Possible Response-Codes
Code Description
2000 OK

Get participants

Currenty not yet public available!


<getsweepstakeparticipants id="" externalid="">
      <field type="formitem">123</field>
    <order dir="ASC">DateTime</order>
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Mandatory Default Description
↳ @id int yes* Internal id of sweepstake
↳ @externalid varchar yes* External id of sweepstake
↳ fields List of desired fields to return
  ↳ field Name of desired field (all address fields are possible, or with given id a formitem)
    ↳ @type address|formitem no address type
↳ order Created Sort result by this field.
Can be an address-field or "DateTime" (case sensitive!) to order by datetime of participation.
  ↳ @dir ASC|DESC ASC Sort direction

* Either "id" or "externalid" must be given. If both are specified, the externalid will be ignored


  <participant id="">
    <datetime>YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss</datetime>
    <address id="">
      <formitem id="261"></formitem>
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
participant One participant
participant["id"] int ID of participation
participant->datetime YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss Datetime of participation
participant->priceid int ID of price if won; "0" if participant has not won or sweepstake was not evaluated yet.
participant->preferredpriceid int ID of preferred price to win (if particiapant hat the opportunity to choose)
participant->note text an intrernal note for the participation (currently only via api settable)
participant->address List of desired address fields
participant->address->* values of address fields
participant->formitems List of desired formitem fields
participant->formitems->* values of formitem field
Possible Response-Codes
Code Description
2000 OK

Add participant

Currenty not yet public available!


<sweepstakeparticipate id="" externalid="">
    <address key="email"></address>
    <note><![CDATA[Test notice]]></note>
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Mandatory Default Description
sweepstakeparticipate Root
↳ @id int yes* Internal id of sweepstake
↳ @externalid varchar yes* External id of sweepstake
↳ address Value of the field specified by type
  ↳ @key addressfield no email Key field to specify the address
↳ priceid int no ID of price which the participant wins; leave empty if participant has lost, or if the sweepstake will be evaluated later.
↳ sendmail 0|1 no 0 Send winner mail if specified
↳ note text An internal note for the participation

* Either "id" or "externalid" must be given. If both are specified, the externalid will be ignored


The ID of the participation will be returned within response->data.

Possible Response-Codes
Code Description
2000 OK
7102 Error: Already max winners for this price

Update participant

Currenty not yet public available!


<updatesweepstakeparticipant id="">
    <note><![CDATA[Test notice]]></note>
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Mandatory Default Description
updatesweepstakeparticipant Root
↳ @id int yes Internal id of participation
↳ priceid int no ID of price which the participant wins; leave empty if participant has lost, or if the sweepstake will be evaluated later.
↳ sendmail 0|1 no 0 Send winner mail if specified
↳ note text An internal note for the participation


There is no return value in response->data.

Possible Response-Codes
Code Description
2000 OK
7102 Error: Already max winners for this price

Delete participant

Currenty not yet public available!


<deletesweepstakeparticipant id="" />
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Mandatory Default Description
updatesweepstakeparticipant["id"] int yes Internal id of participation


There is no return value in response->data.

Possible Response-Codes
Code Description
2000 OK
Für Rückfragen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit gerne unter zur Verfügung.