Last Update: 2024-03-21

Form: Add participate


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<formparticipate id="" source="">

    <!-- Salutation //-->
    <formitem id="">Herr</formitem>

    <!-- Textfield //-->
    <formitem id="">John</formitem>
    <formitem id="">Doe</formitem>
    <formitem id=""></formitem>

    <!-- Textarea //-->
    <formitem id=""><![CDATA[...]]></formitem>

    <!-- RadioList //-->
    <formitem id="">
        <option id="">1</option>

    <!-- CheckboxList //-->
    <formitem id="">
        <option id="">1</option>
        <option id=""><![CDATA[Other answer]]></option>
    <!-- Selectbox/Dropdown (single select) <select size="1" ...> //-->
    <formitem id="">
        <!-- same elements as for type="CheckboxList", but only one option //-->
    <!-- Checkbox/Term //-->
    <formitem id="">1</formitem>

    <!-- File/Image //-->
    <formitem id="">
        <data type="url">https://...</data>
    <formitem id="">
        <data type="base64">...</data>

    <!-- NewsletterSignIn //-->
    <formitem id="">
        <customer id="">
           <topic id="">1</topic> 
           <topic id="">1</topic>
      <customer id=""></customer>
    <!-- Extra user data (optional to set address fields) //-->

Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Mandatory Description
↳ @idintyesID of form
↳ @sourceEvent|Landingpage|Sweepstake|SurveyyesDetermines the type of form
↳ formitem
 ↳ @idyesID of formitem
 ↳ optionoption of the formitem
  ↳ @idyesID of the option
 ↳ customercustomer of the NewsletterSignIn
  ↳ @idyesID of the customer
  ↳ topicID of the topic
  ↳ @idyesID of the topic
↳ addressFor adding extra address information that does not exist in the form
 ↳ faxfax of the user
 ↳ mobilemobile number of the user


<?xml version="1.0"?>
        On success the ID of the created form.
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
Possible Response-Codes
Code Description
2000 OK
3011 Error: id missing
3013 Error: Parameter invalid
3015 Error: Form or Item not found
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