Last Update: 2024-03-21

Get event (V6)


<getevent id="" customerid="" />
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Mandatory Description
↳ @idintyesID of event
↳ @customeridintyesCustomerID of customer used for request. Only usable with admin customer privileges.


<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <data id="">  
        <item id="243">
            <from>2025-08-01 07:00:00</from>
            <till>2025-08-01 11:00:00</till>
            <maxsubscribers type="unlimited">0</maxsubscribers>
            <maxwaitinglist type="inactive"/>
        <ticket id="66">
        <guestlist id="..." site-id="...">
        <site id="...">
            <template id="..." />
              <password>...</password> OR <addressfield>...</addressfield>
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
data Event
↳ @id int ID of event
↳ status int status of event
↳ title text Title of event
↳ opener text Short description of event
↳ items List of program items
  ↳ item Program item
    ↳ @id int ID of program item
    ↳ from YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss From datetime
    ↳ till YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss Till datetime
    ↳ title varchar Title of program item
    ↳ description text Description of program item
    ↳ location varchar Location of program item
    ↳ maxsubscribers int type=unlimited ➝ Expected subscribers
type=limited ➝ Max subscribers
      ↳ @type limited|unlimited
    ↳ maxwaitinglist int type=inactive ➝ No waitinglist
type=unlimited ➝ no value
type=limited ➝ Max persons on waitinglist
(only if program item has waitinglist enabled)
      ↳ @type inactive|limited|unlimited
    ↳ stats Subscriber statistics of this program item
      ↳ notresponded int Invited, but haven't responded yet
      ↳ confirmed int Confirmed
      ↳ waitinglist int Waitinglist (only if program item has waitinglist enabled)
      ↳ refused int Refused or canceled
      ↳ participated int Participated
      ↳ accreditation int Accreditation (only if site has accreditation enabled)
      ↳ total int Total persons that have any status for this program item
      ↳ occupancy-rate % Occupancy rate
      ↳ confirm-rate % Confirm rate
      ↳ refuse-rate % Refuse rate
      ↳ participation-rate % Participation rate
↳ tickets List of ticktes (only if ticketing is activated)
  ↳ ticket Ticket
    ↳ @id int ID of ticket
    ↳ title varchar Title of ticket
    ↳ description text Description of ticket
    ↳ valid-from YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss Ticket is bookable from this datetime (or empty)
    ↳ valid-till YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss Ticket is bookable till this datetime (or empty)
    ↳ items ints (comma separated) IDs of program items that are included in this ticket
↳ guestlists List of guestlists
  ↳ guestlist Guestlist
    ↳ @id int ID of guestlists
    ↳ title varchar Title of guestlists
↳ sites List of sites
  ↳ site Site
    ↳ @id int ID of site
    ↳ title varchar Title of site
    ↳ language de|en|... Language of site (2-letter language code)
    ↳ template Template of site
      ↳ @id int ID of template
    ↳ status int Status of site:
    ↳ registration-type single|multiple|multiple-personalized|multiple-group "single" ➝ Only registration of a single person
"multiple" ➝ One person can book tickets for multiple persons (only with tickets)
"multiple-personalized" ➝ Same as "multiple" plus tickets are personalized
"multiple-group" ➝ Same as "multiple" but tickets are grouped
    ↳ registration-without-email 0|1 Registration without email is allowed
    ↳ registration-limit int Limit of how many tickets one person can book
    ↳ publish-from YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss Site is published from datetime (applicable if status=1)
    ↳ publish-till YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss Site is published till datetime (applicable if status=1)
    ↳ archived YYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss Datetime when site was archived (applicable if status=2)
    ↳ show-items-only-invited 0|1 Program items of this site are only showen if person was invited to them (only applicable if no tickets)
    ↳ accreditation 0|1 Accreditation enabled
    ↳ login Login page for site
      ↳ @enabled 0|1 Login enabled
      ↳ password varchar type=generic ➝ Generic password
type=addressfield ➝ Address field with password
        ↳ @type generic|addressfield Type of password
↳ stats Overall statistics for this event
      ↳ notresponded int Number of invited, but haven't responded yet (only if no tickets)
      ↳ none int Number of persons without ticket (only if tickets)
      ↳ booked int Number of booked (only if tickets)
      ↳ bookedother int Number of booked for other person(s) (only if tickets)
      ↳ waitinglist int Number of wwaitinglist (only if program item or tickets has waitinglist enabled)
      ↳ refused int Number of refused (only if no tickets)
      ↳ cancelled int Number of canceled (only if tickets)
      ↳ participated int Number of participated
      ↳ accreditation int Number of Accreditation (only if site has accreditation enabled)
      ↳ total int Total number of persons
      ↳ occupancy-rate % Occupancy rate
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