Last Update: 2024-03-21

Get event statistics (not V6)


<geteventstatistics key="Email">
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
geteventstatistics["key"] varchar(30) Determines which field of each address-record is returned. If "key" is not specified, default-key is email.
geteventstatistics->datefrom YYYY-mm-dd Beginning of the desired date range (date of subscription/unsubscription/invitation of address)
geteventstatistics->datetill YYYY-mm-dd Optional; End of the desired date range (date of subscription/unsubscription/invitation of address). If not specified, the current date will be set.
geteventstatistics->page Optional; Request a specific page of the result-set (Default=1)
geteventstatistics->pagesize Optional; Defines the number of returned records (Default=1000)


  <address key="Email">
      <address key="" />
  <event id="">
      <date id="">
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
addresses List of all addresses with statistic data of the specified date range
addresses->address Container element of one address
addresses->address["key"] varchar(255) The address identifier; The field which was defined the request addresslistadd->addresses["key"]
addresses->address-eventstatid int(10) ID of the statistic record
addresses->address->addressid int(10) ID of the address; Useful if addresses->address["key"] is empty to fetch the address-record via command <addressget>.
addresses->address->eventid int(10) ID of the event
addresses->address->dateid int(10) ID of the date
addresses->address->status 0..Invited/No response, 1..Subscribed, 2..Waitinglist, 3..Refused, 4..Participated
addresses->address->escort 1|0 Set to "1" if address has company
addresses->address->escortname varchar(255) Optional; Name of the accompanying person
addresses->address->subscribedby key of the address which has subscribed this address
addresses->address->subscribedother List of addresses which are subscribed by this address
addresses->address->subscribedother->address[key] key of address which is subscribed by this address
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