Last Update: 2024-03-21

Get newsletter


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<getnewsletterdetail id="" customerid="" />
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
↳ @idintID of desired newsletter
↳ @customeridintOptional; ID of customer where newsletter is from (needs API username/password of Suite-Manager).


    <title type="Textarea"><![CDATA[_____]]></title>
    <preheader type="Textarea"><![CDATA[_____]]></preheader>
    <header type="Textarea"><![CDATA[_____]]></header>
    <headermedia type="MediaItem">_____</headermedia>
    <footer type="Textarea"><![CDATA[_____]]></footer>
    <custom1 type="{type}">_____</custom1>
    <custom10 type="{type}">_____</custom10>
    <area num="_____">
      <group num="_____">
          <item id1="_____" source1="_____" id2="_____" source2="_____" filterid="_____" />
    <content id="_____">
        <title type="Textarea"><![CDATA[_____]]></title>
        <opener type="Textarea"><![CDATA[_____]]></opener>
        <media type="MediaItem">_____</media>
        <detailurl type="Link">_____</detailurl>
        <detail type="Textarea"><![CDATA[_____]]></detail>
        <custom1 type="{type}">_____</custom1>
        <custom10 type="{type}">_____</custom10>
      <topics />
      <sharelist />
    <media id="_____">
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
↳ senddatetimeYYYY-mm-dd HH:ii:ss
↳ titleinternalvarchar(255)
↳ language2-letter codeExample: "de" or "en"
↳ subjectvarchar(255)
↳ fromnamevarchar(255)
↳ fromemailvarchar(255)
↳ replytovarchar(255)Email address
↳ templateidint
↳ previewurlURL of the unpersonalized preview
↳ fieldsList of all newsletter fields
  ↳ titlevarchar(255)Title
  ↳ preheadervarchar(255)Preheader
  ↳ headertextHeader text (editorial)
  ↳ headermediaitemidintID of header picture listed in data->medialist->media
  ↳ footervarcharFooter text
  ↳ footermediaitemidintID of footer picture
  ↳ custom1..10depends on @typeValue of custom field
    ↳ @type Types:
  • Textarea (html text)
  • Textfield (single line plain text)
  • MediaItem (ID of media listed in data->medialist->media)
  • Checkbox ("0" or "1")
  • Date (YYYY-mm-dd)
  • Link (URL)
↳ arealistList of article areas
  ↳ areaAn article area
    ↳ @numNumber of area (starting with zero)
    ↳ groupA article group within an area (even if there is no grouping within an area, technically the articles are in one group)
      ↳ @numNumber of group (starting with zero)
      ↳ nameName of group (empty if there is no grouping)
      ↳ itemlistList of articles of group
        ↳ itemArticles of group
          ↳ @id1ID of article
          ↳ @source1Source of article (Content, Event, Form, Survey, Sweepstake)
Currently only "Content" is implemented.
          ↳ @id2ID of alternative article (see @filterid)
          ↳ @source2Source of alternative article (Content, Event, Form, Survey, Sweepstake)
Currently only "Content" is implemented.
          ↳ @filteridID of filter (if contact matches filter, than article with "id1" is displayed and otherwise article with "id2".
↳ contentlistList of articles in use
  ↳ contentArticle
    ↳ @idID of article
    ↳ fieldsList of all article fields
      ↳ titlevarchar(255)Title
      ↳ openertextTeaser text
      ↳ mediaintID of teaser picture listed in data->medialist->media
      ↳ detailurlvarchar(255)URL of Click-Through-Link
      ↳ detailtextLandingpage text if Click-Through-Link does not link somewhere else
      ↳ custom1..10depends on @typeValue of custom field (@type see custom newsletter-fields)
↳ medialistList of pictures in use
  ↳ mediaPicture
    ↳ @idintID of picture
    ↳ namevarchar(255)Name
    ↳ urlURL
    ↳ sizeintFile size in bytes
    ↳ typegif,jpg,png
    ↳ widthintWidth in pixels
    ↳ heightintHeight in pixels
    ↳ copyrighttextCopyright text
    ↳ alttexttextAlt text
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