Last Update: 2024-03-21

Get newsletter report


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<getnewsletterreport id="" customerid="" />
Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
↳ @idintID of desired newsletter
↳ @customeridintOptional; ID of customer where newsletter is from (needs API username/password of Suite-Manager).





      <link id="_____" source="Link">

      <content id="_____" source="_____" area="_____" group="_____" pos="_____">
        <Filter id="_____">
          <link id="_____" source="_____">

      <link id="_____" source="Link">

Description of XML-Tags:
Element Format Description
↳ PlannedintNumber of planned users
↳ BouncedintNumber of users where a bounce was returned
↳ QueuedintNumber of mails which are still queued for sending
↳ ResendingintNumber of mails where a first delivery attempt failed
↳ SentintNumber of mails that were successfully delivered
↳ ViewsUniqueintNumber of different (unique) persons that opened the newsletter
↳ ViewsTotalintTotal number of newsletter opens (all views of all persons)
↳ ClicksUniqueintNumber of different (unique) persons that clicked a link in the newsletter
↳ ClicksTotalintTotal number of all clicks of all persons
↳ SignOutintNumber of users who unsubscribed from the newsletter
↳ TellFriendintNumber of users who forwared the newsletter
↳ DeliveryRatepercentDelivery rate
↳ BounceRatepercentBouce rate
↳ ViewRatepercentView rate
↳ ClickRatepercentClick rate
↳ UnsubscribeRateUnsubscribe rate
↳ linksreport of clicked links
↳ newsletterList of links in newsletter fields like editorial, footer, ...
↳ link
↳ link[id]intID of link
↳ link[source]intSource of link
↳ UrlUrl of link
↳ TitleTitle of link (same as Url or a name if special link like "Confirm subscribription")
↳ ClicksUniqueintUnique clicks of link (number of different persons)
↳ ClicksTotalintTotal clicks of link (total clicks of all persons)
↳ ClickRatepercentClick rate
↳ contentsList of contents in newsletter
↳ content
↳ content[id]intID of content
↳ content[source]Source of content.
  • "Content" (=Article)
  • "Event"
  • "Form" (=Landingpage)
  • "Sweepstake"
  • "Survey"
↳ content[area]intArea number of content in template
↳ content[group]intGroup number of content in area in template (0 if there's no grouping)
↳ content[grouptitle]intGroup title
↳ content[pos]intPosition of content in area (or group if there are groups)
↳ titletextTitle of content
↳ FilterIs content only showen if user is included or excluded in given filter?
↳ Filter[id]ID of filter
↳ Match0|10 ... user is excluded in filter
1 ... user is included in filter
↳ NameName of filter
↳ DeliveredintNumber of users who got this content delivered
↳ ViewsUniqueintNumber of users who got this content also viewed the newsletter
↳ TopicsDoes this content has topics assigned?
↳ IDsComma separated topic ids
↳ DeliveredintNumber of users who had subscribed one of the given topics and therefor got this content delivered
↳ ViewsUniqueintNumber of users who got this content also viewed the newsletter
↳ linksList of links in content
↳ link
↳ link[id]intID of link
↳ link[source]intSource of link
↳ UrlUrl of link
↳ TitleTitle of link (same as Url or a name if special link like "Confirm subscribription")
↳ ClicksUniqueintUnique clicks of link (number of different persons)
↳ ClicksTotalintTotal clicks of link (total clicks of all persons)
↳ ClickRatepercentClick rate
↳ templateList of fixed links in used template
↳ link
↳ link[id]intID of link
↳ link[source]intSource of link
↳ UrlUrl of link
↳ TitleTitle of link (same as Url or a name if special link like "Confirm subscribription")
↳ ClicksUniqueintUnique clicks of link (number of different persons)
↳ ClicksTotalintTotal clicks of link (total clicks of all persons)
↳ ClickRatepercentClick rate
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